Long Sutton Church of England Primary School
The School's Vision"Through our core Christian values of Love, Courage & Hope, we nurture encourage and challenge each unique child to be kind, be respectful and be the best they can be.
At Long Sutton Church of England Primary School, we aim to provide rich, memorable learning experiences which build character in each individual child. Strong relationships underpin all we do in our small church school, where we value and respect each other’s uniqueness.
We provide the space for all children to flourish and be the best they can be. Our broad curriculum inspires great learning through engagement with the outdoor environment and enables our children to develop positive emotional and mental health and an understanding of their place in the wider world. Our children are nurtured and challenged to become resilient learners with high aspirations."
For further information please visit the official Long Sutton Church of England Primary School website https://longsutton.hants.sch.uk
Headteacher - Mrs Hannah Inglis
Telephone No. 01256 862238
Email: adminoffice@longsutton.hants.sch.uk